About us
When you need help with windows Fort Wayne and Auburn you finally have a better choice. Proudly serving the greater Allen County and DeKalb County, Indiana area.
Our specialty is new construction. It’s the best way to get the full benefits of new windows. Maximum customization, maximum window size, and maximum energy savings.
We also offer replacement windows for a more ecomomical solution.
Not sure what kind of windows you’re after? Contact us with form to your right and we’ll get in touch, or contact us directly at 260-888-3688.
A Fresh Start
Windows contribute so much to the beauty and functionality of your space. You need a dependable, local contractor who won’t cut corners just to save a few bucks. Whether you already know exactly what you want, or are feeling lost, we promise that you will love the results everytime.
From design to install, we handle the entire process.